About Spirit of the Fourth Rancho Bernardo
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This celebration is held annually on July 4th, with events occurring throughout the day in Webb Park and other venues in the Rancho Bernardo area.

Our founding fathers risked life, limb, and all their material possessions in the pursuit of the free and democratic society that we now enjoy. It is because of them that we enjoy the benefits of a free and democratic society, including  the freedoms stipulated in the Bill of Rights, as well as the protection of the laws of the land which result from the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.

Since then, many thousands of men and women have served in various roles in the defense of that liberty. Some of them gave “their last full measure of devotion,” while others suffered physical and emotional wounds in the service of their nation. Their families also sacrificed of themselves, suffering separation from and even the loss of their loved ones. It is therefore fitting that we celebrate the anniversary of the independence of our nation and also that we commemorate those sacrifices.

Spirit of the Fourth, Inc. is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501 (C)(3) corporation, which plans and conducts the Independence Day celebration in Rancho Bernardo. Many of the Spirit of the Fourth committee members work year-round to produce this popular, all-day celebration. in 2018 tbe Spirit of the Fourth is celebrating its 49th great year serving Rancho Bernardo and surrounding communities with a great, old-fashioned Independence Day celebration!

For a list of the Officers, Board of Directors, Committee Members, and other significant volunteers, click here

Public Support Provided Through Grants

spacerSan Diego County Board of Supervisorsspacer



The County of San Diego
The City of San Diego
Rancho Bernardo Community Foundation A Proud Affiliate of the San Diego Foundation

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Event Pages Support Pages Contact Info

Annual Program & Advertising
Resa Coopat and Myrna Estremera marketing@spiritofthefourth.org

Web Site Maintenance by The Fast Lane